G.Int.Ch. SarSibi Hammer SIB n22
Int. Ch. SarSibi Edelweis SIB n24 |
Int.Ch. SarSibi Ruslan SIB n |
G.Int.Ch. Miloslav Syberia of SarSibi SIB n24 |
G.I.Ch. Yunika Dostoyanie Sibiri of SarSibi SIB n24 |
Int.Ch.SarSibi Dulsinea SIB n22 |
G.Int.Ch.(WCF) Miloslav Syberia of SarSibi SIB n24 |
Int.Ch. (WCF) Princess Shajur-Adamant of SarSibi SIB n 22 |
G.Int.Ch. SarSibi Zhemchuzhina SIB ny22
Ch. Charoit Platon of SarSibi SIB n24 |
Int. Ch. Charoit Garfield of SarSibi, SIB n 24 |
Angelur Zagadka SIB ny 22 |
Ch.Zhizel’ Manchzhury of SarSibi SIB ny24 |
Ch. Zdorovyak Manchzhury SIB n24 09 |
G.I.Ch. Angelur Bazilika of Manchzhury SIB ny 24 |
Ch. Stepanida from Home Nataly of SarSibi SIB f 09 24
WCH, WCF Pearl Master, SGSH ICU Amur from Home Nataly SIB n 24 |
G.Int.Ch. SarSibi Stepan SIB n24 |
G.I.Ch. SarSibi Gamlet SIB n24 |
I.Ch. SarSibi Evlampia SIB n24
Int.Ch. SarSibi Tayna SIB a 24 |
G.Int.Ch.(WCF) Miloslav Syberia of SarSibi SIB n24 |
Ch. Zhizel’ Manchzhury SIB ny24 |
CH. Sibirskiy Lazurit Oliviya SIB d 09 24 |
G.Int.Ch. Vologda Lace Jambo Sibirskiy Lazurit SIB d 09 22 |
I.Ch. Dobrynya Russkiy Suvenir SIB d09 24 |
Ch. Vologda Lace Pratchett SIB f 09 21 33 |
G.I.Ch. Vologda Lace Izumi Sibirskiy Lazurit SIB f 24 |
Vologda Lace Norris SIB d 24 |
G.I.Ch. Russian Diamond Erlinka-VL SIB n 03 |